I just wanted to post some fotos of this year's Halloween. We had a great time, the weather was perfect!

This was my cute little witch. After a short trip round the block, she oppted to stay with dad to hand out candy. She would take a piece of candy and run out the door to meet the trick or treaters before they were even on our lawn and plop it in their baskets. That was funner than trick or treating.

This was my Master Jedi. He needed a lesson in Halloween edicate after I heard him at a few doors say , "Oh, I hate those!" Nice.
This was my cute little witch. After a short trip round the block, she oppted to stay with dad to hand out candy. She would take a piece of candy and run out the door to meet the trick or treaters before they were even on our lawn and plop it in their baskets. That was funner than trick or treating.
This was my Master Jedi. He needed a lesson in Halloween edicate after I heard him at a few doors say , "Oh, I hate those!" Nice.
and this is little chief on the war path. He was the funniest. He just took right off behind all the other kids with his little bucket and went door to door. He loved it! You could not get that bucket of candy out of his hands.
I love your pics. So cute!
So cute! I just realized I haven't seen you since Mitchell was born. okay that's pretty pathetic!
Your kids are darling. I love seeing all the fun things others do. Enjoy the little trick - or -treaters they are much cuter than the big ones.
The kids look great! Sorry I missed you guys, but I'm glad that Bryan was here to hand out candy!
I have your wand. I will bring it over.
CUTE!! When do we get the little one in nursery? Tell Aaron thanks for hookin us up with the glow sticks.
They look adorable!! Especially love Ansons black eye...totally goes with the costume!
Anson's line is hillarious. haha! I'm still sitting here laughing about that...Mitchy is getting BIG!!
Your little ones look so dang cute. I hope all is going well for you.
Holy Cow your baby is so big! They all look so cute!
So cute Marc! They all look so great. Too funny that Anson said that he hated those.
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