The Official Blog for the Aaron and Marci Babcock Family.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A sure sign of old age

So Sunday night Aaron and I went to my sister Callie's Christmas concert. She is in the UVU institute choir. For those who don't know about Callie, she is my only sister and we are 16 years apart.... making her 22.

So the concert ends and Callie comes down to a small circle of family and friends to tell her what a great job she did.. yada yada. So in this small group of people is a friend of Callie's I have never seen before, along with my brother and sister in law with their baby. So this girl turns to Stacey, my sister in law and says, " are you Callie's sister?" Stacey says "no, I'm the sister in law and this is my baby." She then turns to me and says, "and your the mom?" Stacey busts out laughing as I say, "no, I'm the sister" she says "oh, sorry, so your the OLDER sister." yes, I am.

Now the rest of the evening at the institute is a blur as I am instantly aware of every wrinkle and grey hair on my head. All I remember is that she STUCK AROUND! I would think she would be embarrassed and take off, but no she just hung around right by my side as everyone visited. Then when we decided to leave she was right there with us and walked out the same time. Holy crap! .... get lost

I guess I could have had Callie when I was 16. It's not impossible... but geezzz really?


Kristi said...

I know what you mean. I went to my 20 year reunion and looked at people nearing 40 and they looked it. Then I realized I was one of them! eeekkkkkk

Stacey said...

Hahaha, I'm sorry but I'm still laughing. If I thought that you could possibly even look old enough to be Callie's mom then I wouldn't be laughing but YOU DON'T and that girl is just blind. I mean please, she asked if I was Callie's sister. Hello, do I look anything like Callie...dark skin, dark hair compared to Callie's blond hair and fair skin. Well, I guess Callie had dark hair now but she seems to have been Callie's friend from the past and knew her with blond hair. What I'm trying to say is that girl was BLIND and dumb. I mean for heck sake, she stuck around. Don't you even worry about looking old because you don't. Just laugh it off because it's funny.

Anonymous said...

HAHAH! oh geez. she's kind of an airhead to be honest. Not the sharpest tool, but I promise she's not rude!

Stacey, you could totally be my sister! come ON! we totally look the same.

Lynne said...

haha! I can only virtually laugh with you because I'm right there too. I even got it back in 84 when Robert was a newborn and I was nearly 15...I was told my baby was cute..please he's my brother, but then again this did happen in Arkansas... :-)

Chelsea said...

BWAAA!!!! Come on! Really? You do not look that old. Obviously, this girl is not only blind and dumb but really lacking social skills as she stuck around all night.

kidsmom said...

Cute blog. I feel ya sister. I knew I was getting old when kids in stores or at the park would say things like "that lady", referring to me, to their moms.

Erin said...

Well, you don't look that old =)

Hope you have a GREAT Christmas. Call me soon, we need to get together!

Pam said...

I was buying Robert some Gs at the DC temple before he went on his mission. It's important to note that I was 30 at the time. The lady kept asking questions like: what's his neck size? what's his waist size? how long are his legs? I kept turning around to ask my mother because how would I know? Finally the woman asks me, "When is your son going on his mission?"

I asked, "Do I look old enough to have a 19 year-old son?"

She replied, "Well, this IS Virginia."